Lactozyme Biotechnology Co. Ltd. was established in 1972. Lactozyme makes efforts in the development of new products and also keeps good cooperation with many academic research institutes and universities in Taiwan in the past four decades. R&D innovation and product quality are the foundation of Lactozyme. Customer-oriented sales and service are the faith of the company.
There are two major categories of Lactozyme’s products; Livestock/aquaculture feed additive and Environmental micro-organisms.
Feed additive probiotics:
•Detoxify liver and improve its function
•Maintain the balance of bacteria group inside intestines
•Increase animal growth
•Enzyme synergism
•Improve the digestion efficiency
•Reduce the feed cost and increase the profit
Environmental Micro-organisms:
In today's society with high awareness of environmental protection and energy conservation, Lactozyme has already noticed these issues and started to develop those microorganisms’ products since 20 years ago. Lactozyme environmental micro-organisms products contained azotobacter (Nitrogen-fixing bacteria), yeast, Rhizopus, Mucor, and Bacillus; it can activate soil microbes to improve the absorption of plant nutrients. Another Lactozyme’s product “Good Harvest” can be used for making good quality organic fertilizer that combined with livestock waste and agricultural wastes; the process totally meets the latest trend of the 3R’s principles (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle).
Lactozyme will keep on developing multi-functional feed additives and environmental friendly micro-organisms into low-pollution and energy-saving products in the future.